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Design Question - Will this topple?

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Hello All,

I have a friend who asked me to build her a sewing station on wheels. I would post a picture of the design but its basically a box (like everything we do) that has the following measurements:

18" Wide x 33" Height x 40" Long

I plan to buy 3" casters so the cart will be mobile. This makes the total height 33" + 3" or 36"

Also, she wants a solid wood top that has 18" leafs which can be opened and supported by arms that get stored in the top when not in use.

So we would potentially have an 18" + 18" + 18" top on a 18" base that is 36" high.

I think we need a wider base....

Your thoughts?

Thanks, Bill

Read more here

posted at: 12:00am on 17-Jun-2024
path: /Woodworking | permalink

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